Should I Restart Birth Control After Stopping?

Should I Restart Birth Control After Stopping?
I totally get it. You had great intentions of ditching birth control for your health and you were excited to see how your life would improve. So you quit and were ready for the transition into your new post-birth control life. The thought of being on it for so long was worrying you and you were doing so well for those first couple of weeks off! And then things started going downhill... and then the snowball got bigger as your symptoms rapidly declined. And then all of a sudden you wonder if it's even worth it to continue pushing through, or just get back on the dang pill. It wasn't really that bad, was it? 

My Acne is Returning (And It's Okay)!

My Acne is Returning (And It's Okay)!
Acne for me has been THE THING that I was most worried about when it came to getting off birth control. It was the main thing I went on birth control for and I knew it would return when I got off (read more about that here). Luckily I've been able to control it for the most part over the last little bit while still eating my trigger foods and whatnot. So why is it okay that it's coming back?


We're Talking the Law of Attraction and How It Can Help YOU In Your Healing Journey

We're Talking the Law of Attraction and How It Can Help YOU In Your Healing Journey
You know how when you first start your day and something inconvenient happens? And then something else wrong and then another thing and then eventually your entire day becomes this bad day. It's likely because you dwelled on that very first thing that went wrong and you were annoyed with it or didn't think it was fair. Then you started seeing all the other negativities in your life and other bad things started happening that day. Or if you hope a certain thing isn't going to happen and then of course it happens. I've been there. You've been there. We've all been there. 

Are You Missing This Crucial Piece In Your Hormone Healing Journey?

Are You Missing This Crucial Piece In Your Hormone Healing Journey?
I remember when I was about to get off birth control. Very excited, ready to start trusting in my body, and finally get to a point where I don't have to be on birth control for my acne and hormones. I did my research, ordered a few supplements that I thought would help me, did a few quick "I am powerful" affirmations, and was ready to crush this journey!! And it started out fine for the first little bit! Feeling invincible and like this was going to be a walk in the park, I went about my merry way and was loving not being on birth control anymore! However, that was only for the first month. And then it happened...

Setbacks are going to happen. Here's how to handle them.

Setbacks are going to happen. Here's how to handle them.
Setbacks happen... it's a fact of life and likely to happen on this journey! One of the definitions of a setback is 'an event that delays your progress or reverses some of the progress you have made.' UGH. :( We don't want that!! We want to keep continuing to progress and heal to ultimately reach our version of hormone balance WITHOUT birth control. 
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