I'm not Anti-Birth Control. I'm Pro-Informed Consent. Do you know the difference?

I'm not Anti-Birth Control. I'm Pro-Informed Consent. Do you know the difference?

Birth control can feel like the devil. But I'm not completely against it.

If you've been around, you know how much I talk about healing our bodies without birth control. Healing our hormone problems without being on hormone-suppressing medication that can have some pretty serious side effects on the rest of our body functions. So if you're seeing this and putting the pieces together, you're probably wondering if I'm completely against birth control altogether. Doesn't it seem that way?

I was talking to someone earlier on Instagram about how she can't easily get her birth control filled in the state she lives in. It was a respectful dialogue, so I appreciate that! She went on about how she hates taking it and doesn't know how to NOT be on it. I can totally respect that and still have feelings about getting off birth control! Have you heard about informed consent? 

Informed consent is the process of communication between a patient and physician that clearly identifies how a certain medication or procedure will likely impact you. It should talk about the benefits, downfalls, and everything in between. Notice how I say it "should"? That's not always the case...

In today's medical world of a revolving door and spending as little time as possible with a patient, I think a lot of doctors and physicians are quick to only tell part of the story. The part that says "if you take this, you'll be good to go!" It puts a lot of pressure on us, the patients, to do the outside research ourselves to verify what the doctors are telling us and make sure they didn't leave anything out. 

Think back to when you were prescribed birth control. Did your doctor tell you that you don't actually have a real period on birth control? Did they tell you that your libido might completely flatline? Did they tell you that the medication significantly depletes key nutrients our body depends on to function? These are just a few of the things that I never knew about and probably a lot of other people didn't know about either. 

If we're supposed to trust doctors, shouldn't they be telling us the WHOLE story about the possible side effects of a medication? So we can make an informed decision on whether this medication is right for us? It's definitely not the right solution for some people, but how would we know that if we're not told what might happen to us?

Part of being a self-advocate is asking the questions. Digging deeper with your doctor. Letting them know you're confused or worried about something. If they're doing their job right, they should completely respect that communication and guide you towards ultimately making a decision that YOU think is best for your body. Not what THEY think is best.

So what does all of this mean? It means I'm on your side. Regardless of whether you want to be on hormonal birth control or not! I'm here telling you just SOME of the ways that birth control can impact your body. I'm here as a second (or third or 50th) resource telling you what your doctor might have glanced over. Because it's your body. You know your body best. You deserve to know the whole truth about birth control.

I'm not anti-birth control. I'm pro-informed consent. It makes all the difference in the world.

Enjoyed this post? I'd love it if you could share with a friend that might enjoy the encouragement and comment below if you were told how birth control could impact you! See you later :)

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