I Don't Go Through the Airport Body Scanners (And Why You Might Not Want To Either..)

I Don't Go Through the Airport Body Scanners (And Why You Might Not Want To Either..)
We're all familiar with flying and the sometimes annoying scanning that comes with it. You have to strip down, comply with all these rules, and are herded through like super slow cattle. It's one thing that would stop me up frequently when I would travel for work, and I'm so glad I ended up getting TSA PreCheck (lifesaver!). Have you ever stopped to wonder just how effective and safe those full-body scanners are anyways? I mean, you don't really have a choice whether or not to go through them, right? You might be surprised.

Why Is This So Scary to Us?

Why Is This So Scary to Us?
We don't usually bat an eye when getting on birth control (BC). We go to the doctor, tell them our issues and symptoms we're having, they prescribe us the pill, ring, IUD, etc., and then we're on our way to the pharmacy to pick it up. We start taking the medication, start seeing our symptoms fade, and don't think much else of it. Maybe we don't think anything of being on BC until we're ready to get off, which could be months, years, or decades later. And then the panic starts to set in. 

I'm not Anti-Birth Control. I'm Pro-Informed Consent. Do you know the difference?

I'm not Anti-Birth Control. I'm Pro-Informed Consent. Do you know the difference?
If you've been around, you know how much I talk about healing our bodies without birth control. Healing our hormone problems without being on hormone-suppressing medication that can have some pretty serious side effects on the rest of our body functions. So if you're seeing this and putting the pieces together, you're probably wondering if I'm completely against birth control altogether. Doesn't it seem that way?