Welcome! My name is Sydney and I'm excited to share with you all about hormones, post-birth control life, toxic-free living, and self-advocacy. 
Who doesn't love freebies?! Get my free guide, 5 Steps to Happy Hormones:

5 steps to happy hormones 

Need 1:1 help? Work with me!

Toxic-Free Living Transition
- Hormone-Friendly 
Lifestyle/Wellness Coaching
-Healing Mindset
-Personal Plan for Getting Off Hormonal Birth Control

About Me

My name is Sydney, I'm 27 years old, and live outside Boise, Idaho. I work part time at a sensory deprivation center (love it!), live with my boyfriend of almost 10 years, and love to work out, golf, and relax outside! I'm a big fan of all things environment and sustainability, I'm a tea drinker, and you can most always find me in either big sweaters or curled up with a blanket, no matter how hot it is! I love connecting with people, although the introvert in me will definitely determine how much I open up at first. I believe that everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance. I'm ambitious and I'm working towards being the happiest, healthiest version of myself. 

I made the decision to get off hormonal birth control in September 2019. I read Dr. Brighten's Beyond the Pill earlier that summer, which really opened my eyes up to how hormonal birth control affects your whole body and I didn't want any of that anymore. I remember not ever knowing this stuff and learning something new every chapter of the book. Birth control affects your gut microbiome. Birth control affects your mood. Birth control affects your sex drive. Birth control affects your sleep. Birth control affects so many parts of you that you didn't even know were connected.

When I got off the NuvaRing, I had expectations of what might happen based on what the book discussed. I knew the potential post-birth control symptoms that would likely show up. I mean, I was controlled by hormones for the last seven years of my life. I didn't expect my body to bounce back immediately and I knew there would be a transition period. What I wasn't expecting was just how mentally exhausting it would be to deal with every new symptom that came up. Or just how much I would have to fight for what I wanted rather than what other people thought I should do. I felt alone for most of the time and didn't know if I would ever get back to how I was before birth control. I barely remembered what that was like. But I was able to take control of my health, clean up my diet, transition my products to toxic-free alternatives, and I'm slowly but surely finding myself again

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