Should I Restart Birth Control After Stopping?

Should I Restart Birth Control After Stopping?
I totally get it. You had great intentions of ditching birth control for your health and you were excited to see how your life would improve. So you quit and were ready for the transition into your new post-birth control life. The thought of being on it for so long was worrying you and you were doing so well for those first couple of weeks off! And then things started going downhill... and then the snowball got bigger as your symptoms rapidly declined. And then all of a sudden you wonder if it's even worth it to continue pushing through, or just get back on the dang pill. It wasn't really that bad, was it? 

Why Is This So Scary to Us?

Why Is This So Scary to Us?
We don't usually bat an eye when getting on birth control (BC). We go to the doctor, tell them our issues and symptoms we're having, they prescribe us the pill, ring, IUD, etc., and then we're on our way to the pharmacy to pick it up. We start taking the medication, start seeing our symptoms fade, and don't think much else of it. Maybe we don't think anything of being on BC until we're ready to get off, which could be months, years, or decades later. And then the panic starts to set in. 

IUD Removal (Part 3)

IUD Removal (Part 3)
Yeah, we had other plans that afternoon, but of course my body said nope, we're staying right here. I was losing my hearing, vision, and all my senses and was seconds away from passing out on the exam table. Why?? My IUD was finally out and I felt like I had no reason to be feeling this way. But I did and it was a familiar feeling. 

Remember Your Why

Remember Your Why
Welcome back to another post! If you've been around for a bit or are brand new, I'm glad you're here :) 

Today I want to go over a little bit of mindset. I knowwwww we don't care about mindset. We're all about naturally transitioning off birth control! But guess what? They go hand in hand and you'd be surprised just how much mental stamina you need to continue on a journey like this.