My 2022 Word of the Year Is....

My 2022 Word of the Year Is....
You know when teachers tell you to choose your gut choice on a test because it's usually the right answer? Or you just have some feeling in your gut that you go with and it ends up being the right decision? My word of the year came to me very easily as I was thinking about it and I honestly didn't think I was really ready for it! It was crazy and I couldn't think of another one at the time, so we're sticking to it and seeing where it takes us. It was like I didn't have to think about it and my brain and gut just knew what it was. 


Setbacks are going to happen. Here's how to handle them.

Setbacks are going to happen. Here's how to handle them.
Setbacks happen... it's a fact of life and likely to happen on this journey! One of the definitions of a setback is 'an event that delays your progress or reverses some of the progress you have made.' UGH. :( We don't want that!! We want to keep continuing to progress and heal to ultimately reach our version of hormone balance WITHOUT birth control.