My 2022 Word of the Year Is....

whether it's a resolution, goal, or word of the year, you likely have something you're thinking of for the new year. 

You know when teachers tell you to choose your gut choice on a test because it's usually the right answer? Or you just have some feeling in your gut that you go with and it ends up being the right decision? My word of the year came to me very easily as I was thinking about it and I honestly didn't think I was really ready for it! It was crazy and I couldn't think of another one at the time, so we're sticking to it and seeing where it takes us. It was like I didn't have to think about it and my brain and gut just knew what it was. 


Do I know what it means for me quite yet? Nah. I have some things in mind for what I think it might mean and what I want it to mean. We'll see what the year has in store for me. 

The Merriam-Webster definition of hope is "to want something to happen or be true and think that it could happen or be true." I think a lot of people, myself included, only think hope encompasses the first part of that definition of wanting something to happen or be true. But look at that second part.. Do you really think that all of the things you hope for could actually happen or be true? Or are you just focused on the wanting part of it? 

When you hope for a smooth transition off birth control, what emotions come to mind? Usually when I hope for something, my gut reaction is fear of what if it goes wrong? What if I mess up? What if x, y, z happens? 

How about we change that narrative? What if it goes right? What if I figure out what works for me to reregulate my hormones? What if I'm able to finally get off birth control and never have to be on it again? What if I could actually heal my body? 

Sound better? I think so! 

Whatever your word or resolution or goal for this year, I'd like you to sprinkle a little bit of hope into it. Even though I claim this as my word of the year, I'm more than happy to share a little bit of it with you guys! I'm also fully supportive of you if this is the year you finally ditch your birth control. You deserve it, your body deserves healing, and you deserve the support I wish I had when I was getting off. Know that I'm here for you in whatever capacity that means for you. Let's do this!! 

Cheers to 2022 and all the hope it brings with it! Let me know in the comments below what your word/resolution/goal for 2022 is! There might just be a special surprise for a lucky commenter ;)
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