Please Say Something Else

Please Say Something Else
No matter how much you try and educate people about certain things that may be harmful to them, there's always those people who comment back the inevitable, and it usually sounds something like this... 

We're Talking the Law of Attraction and How It Can Help YOU In Your Healing Journey

We're Talking the Law of Attraction and How It Can Help YOU In Your Healing Journey
You know how when you first start your day and something inconvenient happens? And then something else wrong and then another thing and then eventually your entire day becomes this bad day. It's likely because you dwelled on that very first thing that went wrong and you were annoyed with it or didn't think it was fair. Then you started seeing all the other negativities in your life and other bad things started happening that day. Or if you hope a certain thing isn't going to happen and then of course it happens. I've been there. You've been there. We've all been there. 

I'm not Anti-Birth Control. I'm Pro-Informed Consent. Do you know the difference?

I'm not Anti-Birth Control. I'm Pro-Informed Consent. Do you know the difference?
If you've been around, you know how much I talk about healing our bodies without birth control. Healing our hormone problems without being on hormone-suppressing medication that can have some pretty serious side effects on the rest of our body functions. So if you're seeing this and putting the pieces together, you're probably wondering if I'm completely against birth control altogether. Doesn't it seem that way?