IUD Removal (Part 3)

IUD Removal (Part 3)
Yeah, we had other plans that afternoon, but of course my body said nope, we're staying right here. I was losing my hearing, vision, and all my senses and was seconds away from passing out on the exam table. Why?? My IUD was finally out and I felt like I had no reason to be feeling this way. But I did and it was a familiar feeling. 

One Thing They Didn't Tell You About Birth Control

One Thing They Didn't Tell You About Birth Control
The hormones in birth control are not the same as your natural hormones. 

That's it! That's the end of the blog post! Have a great day :) :)

Just kidding. I won't leave you hanging like that. Whether you've heard this or not, it's true.  A lot of times when people are prescribed birth control, they're prescribed it to help some other hormone imbalance. They think that if it helps them, it must be because it has the same hormones in it that our body makes, right? Not quite...

Birth Control and Mood Connection

Birth Control and Mood Connection
Birth control has been found to be related to mood swings, anxiety, and depression. Read the following stats to see just how big of an effect it can have.