My Acne is Returning (And It's Okay)!

My Acne is Returning (And It's Okay)!
Acne for me has been THE THING that I was most worried about when it came to getting off birth control. It was the main thing I went on birth control for and I knew it would return when I got off (read more about that here). Luckily I've been able to control it for the most part over the last little bit while still eating my trigger foods and whatnot. So why is it okay that it's coming back?


Dear 2020.... (Hormone Edition)

Dear 2020.... (Hormone Edition)
Dear 2020,

Well, it's about the time to bid you adieu, and boy aren't we all glad to move on!! So much happened this year. I don't even ever want to hear the words "unprecedented" and "quarantine" ever again, right?! Through my times of quarantine, going out less (although I never really went out much before this), and having monthly breakdowns, here are a few things I've learned and some New Year's resolutions for 2021.