You Actually Bleed In Those?

You Actually Bleed In Those?
I've only recently been using and loving period underwear for the last 2.5 years and HOLY COW WHERE HAVE THESE BEEN MY ENTIRE LIFE?! I love them so much that I post pics and videos on my social media in my period undies. Crazy, I know. I just can't stop talking about them, and wish I knew about them a lot sooner. So let's dive into some top questions/concerns about them, and maybe by the end I'll have convinced you that you're missing out. Because, newslflash, you are ;) Don't knock 'em til you try 'em!


We're Talking Menstrual Cups!!

We're Talking Menstrual Cups!!
You've likely seen them floating around before and might have either thought eww no thanks or were intrigued by the thought of a flexible cup inside of you that collects menstrual fluids. Does it actually work? Does it leak? What if I need to change it in public? Isn't it messy? Can you feel it? Will it get stuck in me?!