Should I Be Worried About EMFs?

Should I Be Worried About EMFs?
We use our phones most of the day. We go to work and use our computers and laptops. We use our AirPods on our commute home or at the gym. We're checking our smart watches constantly throughout the day and have Bluetooth set up in our cars to play our music. Then we end the day by binging our favorite show on TV. With how connected and "plugged in" our society is, we're exposed to EMFs basically 24/7. And those EMFs are messing with our hormones. 

One Thing They Didn't Tell You About Birth Control

One Thing They Didn't Tell You About Birth Control
The hormones in birth control are not the same as your natural hormones. 

That's it! That's the end of the blog post! Have a great day :) :)

Just kidding. I won't leave you hanging like that. Whether you've heard this or not, it's true.  A lot of times when people are prescribed birth control, they're prescribed it to help some other hormone imbalance. They think that if it helps them, it must be because it has the same hormones in it that our body makes, right? Not quite...

The Stress and Hormone Connection (Part 1)

The Stress and Hormone Connection (Part 1)
Welcome back to the blog! I promised this post a while ago, but things have been crazy and I've been pulled in different directions at my day job with transitioning to remote work while our new office is being built. So you can say it's been a bit hectic lately!! Stress is a little higher and with that comes a bit of a kick to the hormones. I shared a while ago that it's been estimated that approximate 90% of illness and disease is stress-related. Ummm, WHAT?!