I'm not Anti-Birth Control. I'm Pro-Informed Consent. Do you know the difference?

I'm not Anti-Birth Control. I'm Pro-Informed Consent. Do you know the difference?
If you've been around, you know how much I talk about healing our bodies without birth control. Healing our hormone problems without being on hormone-suppressing medication that can have some pretty serious side effects on the rest of our body functions. So if you're seeing this and putting the pieces together, you're probably wondering if I'm completely against birth control altogether. Doesn't it seem that way?

How to Naturally Increase Your Energy

How to Naturally Increase Your Energy
Hi friends! Happy Friday :)

If you haven't seen my latest video on how I got my energy back from quitting birth control, check it out on my Instagram or Facebook. It's good and was so unexpected! I promised I'd share more about some natural ways to increase energy and so I'll keep it short and sweet. 

Birth Control and Mood Connection

Birth Control and Mood Connection
Birth control has been found to be related to mood swings, anxiety, and depression. Read the following stats to see just how big of an effect it can have.