You Actually Bleed In Those?

You Actually Bleed In Those?
I've only recently been using and loving period underwear for the last 2.5 years and HOLY COW WHERE HAVE THESE BEEN MY ENTIRE LIFE?! I love them so much that I post pics and videos on my social media in my period undies. Crazy, I know. I just can't stop talking about them, and wish I knew about them a lot sooner. So let's dive into some top questions/concerns about them, and maybe by the end I'll have convinced you that you're missing out. Because, newslflash, you are ;) Don't knock 'em til you try 'em!


I Don't Go Through the Airport Body Scanners (And Why You Might Not Want To Either..)

I Don't Go Through the Airport Body Scanners (And Why You Might Not Want To Either..)
We're all familiar with flying and the sometimes annoying scanning that comes with it. You have to strip down, comply with all these rules, and are herded through like super slow cattle. It's one thing that would stop me up frequently when I would travel for work, and I'm so glad I ended up getting TSA PreCheck (lifesaver!). Have you ever stopped to wonder just how effective and safe those full-body scanners are anyways? I mean, you don't really have a choice whether or not to go through them, right? You might be surprised.

Should I Be Worried About EMFs?

Should I Be Worried About EMFs?
We use our phones most of the day. We go to work and use our computers and laptops. We use our AirPods on our commute home or at the gym. We're checking our smart watches constantly throughout the day and have Bluetooth set up in our cars to play our music. Then we end the day by binging our favorite show on TV. With how connected and "plugged in" our society is, we're exposed to EMFs basically 24/7. And those EMFs are messing with our hormones. 

Dangers of Pesticides and How to Reduce Pesticide Exposure

Dangers of Pesticides and How to Reduce Pesticide Exposure
Happy Tuesday! Hope your week has gone well so far :) Let's talk pesticides! If you haven't already checked out my Toxic Free Tuesday video on Instagram or Facebook today, take a look at them. I go into a bit more detail about why pesticides are so dangerous to humans. I had NO idea what pesticides can do to us. I knew we needed to stay away from them for the most part, but I figured if most of the bottles would be staying in the garage or under the sink, I had nothing to worry about. Whoops! It's a learning process.