Let's Talk Essential Oils

Let's Talk Essential Oils
Essential oils.. The newest buzzword and fad. Tiny little bottles of liquid that can supposedly help with pain, sleep, stress, digestion, hormones, etc. But is it really a fad, which will come and go, or can it be a holistic life-supporting tool in your arsenal? I'd argue the latter, so read on for some oil 101 basics and why quality matters!  :)

The Stress And Hormone Connection (Part 2; Destressing)

The Stress And Hormone Connection (Part 2; Destressing)
Hello! Stress is everywhere and knowing how to deal with it in a healthy way is a good tool to have in life! If you missed how stress impacts hormones, go back and check it out here. This is Part 2 with some of my favorite ways to destress. :) Maybe it'll help you and give you some new ideas or provide you some additional motivation to continue to constantly keep the stress as low as possible. 

The Stress and Hormone Connection (Part 1)

The Stress and Hormone Connection (Part 1)
Welcome back to the blog! I promised this post a while ago, but things have been crazy and I've been pulled in different directions at my day job with transitioning to remote work while our new office is being built. So you can say it's been a bit hectic lately!! Stress is a little higher and with that comes a bit of a kick to the hormones. I shared a while ago that it's been estimated that approximate 90% of illness and disease is stress-related. Ummm, WHAT?!