So How Long After Birth Control Will It Take To Get My Period Back?

So How Long After Birth Control Will It Take To Get My Period Back?
Listen, I'm not a doctor, so I can't really predict your exact timing (but it's not like they really can either, let's be honest...). But one of the questions I see a ton is "When will I get my period and when will my cycle become regular again?" Or I see "My period was regular when I was on the pill and now that I'm off, it's all weird with the timing and flow and stuff."

I need to stop right here and address something before we proceed.

So What Exactly is Post Birth Control Syndrome Anyway?!

 So What Exactly is Post Birth Control Syndrome Anyway?!
Is post-birth control syndrome real? For some, yes. For others, maybe not (but more than likely, yes, you just might not recognize that's what it is). For a lot of people, they're promised that hormonal birth control is harmless, you can take it for as long as you want, and then once you decide to get off, your body will "bounce right back" to the old you. Sounds amazing, right?! Not so fast.. 

Setbacks are going to happen. Here's how to handle them.

Setbacks are going to happen. Here's how to handle them.
Setbacks happen... it's a fact of life and likely to happen on this journey! One of the definitions of a setback is 'an event that delays your progress or reverses some of the progress you have made.' UGH. :( We don't want that!! We want to keep continuing to progress and heal to ultimately reach our version of hormone balance WITHOUT birth control. 

I've Been Off Birth Control For Two Years... This is What I've Learned!

I've Been Off Birth Control For Two Years... This is What I've Learned!
Better late than never for this post, because I actually got off birth control two years ago a couple weeks ago. Life gets in the way, I don't have priority to write something, etc. But here we are. Two years have passed since I decided to ditch birth control and I can honestly say it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made for my health!!


Remember Your Why

Remember Your Why
Welcome back to another post! If you've been around for a bit or are brand new, I'm glad you're here :) 

Today I want to go over a little bit of mindset. I knowwwww we don't care about mindset. We're all about naturally transitioning off birth control! But guess what? They go hand in hand and you'd be surprised just how much mental stamina you need to continue on a journey like this.

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