I've Been Off Birth Control For Two Years... This is What I've Learned!

You learn a lot in two years of healing your hormones.

Better late than never for this post, because I actually got off birth control two years ago a couple weeks ago. Life gets in the way, I don't have priority to write something, etc. But here we are. Two years have passed since I decided to ditch birth control and I can honestly say it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made for my health!!

When I first decided to get off, I knew I was going to have a bit of a transition. I knew it wasn't going to be easy. I knew I would experience some post-birth control symptoms that I wasn't dealing with before. And I genuinely thought I was ready for it! But like with everything, it wasn't what I was expecting.  I'd like to say I'm on the back end of the whole transition, which is a big part of why I share so much with you guys. So here are some questions I had as I was in the thick of my post-birth control transition. 

What if my periods never get back to what they normally were?
What if my acne never goes away without having to be on birth control or other meds?
What if I completely screwed up my future fertility by being on birth control for so long? 
What if I continue to have different post-birth control symptoms come up every few months for the rest of my life? 
What if I really can't heal my hormones back to the way they were?

And now for some empowering things that I'm proud of that I can say are all due to getting off birth control!
I have a way better understanding of the whole hormone system and how it gets impacted every day.
I can anticipate when my ups and downs are in the month and plan my life around them. 
I am constantly researching new ways to support my hormones and love experimenting with new things. 
I am a better advocate for my own health and love helping others in advocating for themselves. 
I have a better appreciation for getting to the root cause of all health problems.
I am happier and healthier (truly healthier) than I've ever been before. 
I am working WITH my hormones rather than AGAINST them. 

If you're just starting your post-birth control journey, thinking about getting off birth control, or have been off for a little while, I'd love to hear what your experience has been like! The cool thing about it is no one is the same and everyone's story is unique. Also if you're looking for some extra support, feel free to reach out to me directly or join my Facebook group where we talk all about post-birth control life.

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