Are You Missing This Crucial Piece In Your Hormone Healing Journey?

Are You Missing This Crucial Piece In Your Hormone Healing Journey?
I remember when I was about to get off birth control. Very excited, ready to start trusting in my body, and finally get to a point where I don't have to be on birth control for my acne and hormones. I did my research, ordered a few supplements that I thought would help me, did a few quick "I am powerful" affirmations, and was ready to crush this journey!! And it started out fine for the first little bit! Feeling invincible and like this was going to be a walk in the park, I went about my merry way and was loving not being on birth control anymore! However, that was only for the first month. And then it happened...

One Thing They Didn't Tell You About Birth Control

One Thing They Didn't Tell You About Birth Control
The hormones in birth control are not the same as your natural hormones. 

That's it! That's the end of the blog post! Have a great day :) :)

Just kidding. I won't leave you hanging like that. Whether you've heard this or not, it's true.  A lot of times when people are prescribed birth control, they're prescribed it to help some other hormone imbalance. They think that if it helps them, it must be because it has the same hormones in it that our body makes, right? Not quite...

My 2022 Word of the Year Is....

My 2022 Word of the Year Is....
You know when teachers tell you to choose your gut choice on a test because it's usually the right answer? Or you just have some feeling in your gut that you go with and it ends up being the right decision? My word of the year came to me very easily as I was thinking about it and I honestly didn't think I was really ready for it! It was crazy and I couldn't think of another one at the time, so we're sticking to it and seeing where it takes us. It was like I didn't have to think about it and my brain and gut just knew what it was. 


So How Long After Birth Control Will It Take To Get My Period Back?

So How Long After Birth Control Will It Take To Get My Period Back?
Listen, I'm not a doctor, so I can't really predict your exact timing (but it's not like they really can either, let's be honest...). But one of the questions I see a ton is "When will I get my period and when will my cycle become regular again?" Or I see "My period was regular when I was on the pill and now that I'm off, it's all weird with the timing and flow and stuff."

I need to stop right here and address something before we proceed.

Balancing Hormones Is About More Than Just Taking Supplements

Balancing Hormones Is About More Than Just Taking Supplements
Shelling out all this cash for weird supplements that you have to take all at once before eating anything else in your day? Overspending on all organic food because you heard that eating organic is the way to be healthier? Worrying about the holidays because you're used to indulging in the sweets and alcohol but you think you can't do that anymore ever again? 

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