Getting off Birth Control Isn't A Walk In the Park

Getting off Birth Control Isn't A Walk In the Park
Yes, I'm so excited for you!!! No, really. Making a decision like getting off birth control is a step in the right direction towards true health and understanding of your hormones. Now I'm not saying you can't understand your hormones when you're on birth control, because there are a ton of resources out there! But if you were like me (and the countless others who were prescribed birth control), all you really know is it's supposed to prevent you from getting pregnant and/or helps manage your other hormonal problems that irk you. And I don't blame you for wanting to take that route.

I'm not Anti-Birth Control. I'm Pro-Informed Consent. Do you know the difference?

I'm not Anti-Birth Control. I'm Pro-Informed Consent. Do you know the difference?
If you've been around, you know how much I talk about healing our bodies without birth control. Healing our hormone problems without being on hormone-suppressing medication that can have some pretty serious side effects on the rest of our body functions. So if you're seeing this and putting the pieces together, you're probably wondering if I'm completely against birth control altogether. Doesn't it seem that way?

So What's the Big Deal with Toxins Anyways....? We're Exposed to Them Constantly As It Is

So What's the Big Deal with Toxins Anyways....? We're Exposed to Them Constantly As It Is
I  know what you might be thinking. More talk on reducing toxins.. *cue eye rolls* It seems like everyone nowadays is talking about the importance of them for this and that and how evil everything is in the world. Why do we even care if we're going to die anyways? Why do I want to cut back on using the products I love just so I can be a "bit" healthier? I've been using and consuming the same things for years and I'm still okay. What's the point of quitting now?

Fiery. Red. Itchy. Flaky. Painful. Skin Rashes :( :(

Fiery. Red. Itchy. Flaky. Painful. Skin Rashes :( :(
So I share a ton about my acne post-birth control because it was the thing for me that came back more severe than the rest of the stuff. And it's kind of prominent and not easy to conceal, so it's just there, ya know? Anyway, that's not the only post-birth control symptom I had, although if it was, I'd still be moaning and groaning because it. freaking. sucks. 

Let's Talk Essential Oils

Let's Talk Essential Oils
Essential oils.. The newest buzzword and fad. Tiny little bottles of liquid that can supposedly help with pain, sleep, stress, digestion, hormones, etc. But is it really a fad, which will come and go, or can it be a holistic life-supporting tool in your arsenal? I'd argue the latter, so read on for some oil 101 basics and why quality matters!  :)
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