Should I Be Worried About EMFs?

Should I Be Worried About EMFs?
We use our phones most of the day. We go to work and use our computers and laptops. We use our AirPods on our commute home or at the gym. We're checking our smart watches constantly throughout the day and have Bluetooth set up in our cars to play our music. Then we end the day by binging our favorite show on TV. With how connected and "plugged in" our society is, we're exposed to EMFs basically 24/7. And those EMFs are messing with our hormones. 

There Is A Different Way. A Better Way. And You Can Have It Too

There Is A Different Way. A Better Way. And You Can Have It Too
So what happened after I finally ditched hormonal birth control for good? Life went on as normal, I got my real period back right away, and had no problems or post-birth controls symptoms at all. Easy peasy? HA I WISH. Go back and read Part 1 if you haven't.

I wouldn't be here blabbing to you about hormonal birth control and the transition off if I had a grand experience. And I'm not going to sugarcoat it and say "Oh it'll be easy, you'll do great!" Because it very well probably will not be easy and it won't be great. But does that mean it'll always be that way? Heck no! 

My Entire Life As I Knew It Changed With This One Decision...

My Entire Life As I Knew It Changed With This One Decision...
I was just like everyone else. Prescribed birth control in my early teens to help alleviate a symptom that was hormonally-driven and driving me bonkers! For me, that was my acne. It was the cystic kind, it hurt, nothing that the dermatologist gave me was truly helping like I wanted it to. Why not try birth control? And oh yeah preventing pregnancy was a cool perk too! 

Everything was "fine" during those seven years I was on birth control. Fine in the sense of I would get sick a few times a year, take over-the-counter or prescription meds if needed to help my symptoms, went to the gym because I wanted to be skinnier, did as I was told to in society, etc. I was your average run of the mill twenty-something year old trying to find her way in this world. But I really wasn't fine as I would later come to find out...

IUD Removal (Part 3)

IUD Removal (Part 3)
Yeah, we had other plans that afternoon, but of course my body said nope, we're staying right here. I was losing my hearing, vision, and all my senses and was seconds away from passing out on the exam table. Why?? My IUD was finally out and I felt like I had no reason to be feeling this way. But I did and it was a familiar feeling. 

IUD Removal (Part 2)

IUD Removal (Part 2)
Alright, alright. The time came where I was getting my IUD removed! Since this was my first experience with it, naturally I went to Dr. Google for alllll the things. I highly do NOT recommend you do that, btw. Save your peace. You will be perfectly fine. It'll be out before you know it haha! 
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