Dangers of Pesticides and How to Reduce Pesticide Exposure

Dangers of Pesticides and How to Reduce Pesticide Exposure
Happy Tuesday! Hope your week has gone well so far :) Let's talk pesticides! If you haven't already checked out my Toxic Free Tuesday video on Instagram or Facebook today, take a look at them. I go into a bit more detail about why pesticides are so dangerous to humans. I had NO idea what pesticides can do to us. I knew we needed to stay away from them for the most part, but I figured if most of the bottles would be staying in the garage or under the sink, I had nothing to worry about. Whoops! It's a learning process.

Toxins Impacting the Brain

Toxins Impacting the Brain
Happy Friday! :) I can't believe September is almost over. It feels like the year has just FLOWN by!! I wanted to do a short post on some of the toxins in our everyday products that can impact our brains. Your brain literally controls everything in your body from autonomous breathing to remembering the directions to your friend's house. It's super important to keep the brain healthy. We've heard of certain foods to boost brain function, such as salmon and leafy greens. But if you're using everyday products with toxic ingredients in them, you still risk impaired brain function. Here are a couple common toxic ingredients that can contribute to neurotoxicity (aka damage to the brain).

Toxic Free Tuesday: Toxins in Plastics

Toxic Free Tuesday: Toxins in Plastics
Plastic is everywhere!! It's likely you already know you need to reduce it and you've heard of companies pledging to go plastic free in the near future. But what about the plastics is so dangerous? Turns out, a lot of things! And it's not just you to worry about. Plastic is really bad for the environment as well.

Fun Fact Friday: Toxins Impact the Environment Too!

Fun Fact Friday: Toxins Impact the Environment Too!
Toxins don't just affect humans. We continually hear all of the bad ways that toxins affect us, from increasing our risk of cancer to reproductive harm to skin issues. But, they also have some pretty significant effects on the environment as well.  Although research is still ongoing regarding how toxins affect the environment, there are some pretty extensive studies out there already talking about plants and animals and how they are negatively impacted by toxins in the everyday products we use. I'll break it down into a few of the more common toxins.

Toxic Free Tuesday: Dishwashing Detergents and Powders

Toxic Free Tuesday: Dishwashing Detergents and Powders
f you're lucky enough to have a dishwasher, you're familiar with the genius appliance that gives you sparkly clean dishes and glasses. But, that shine can come at a cost since most detergents and powders are made with toxic ingredients. In 2016, approximately 18,000 instances of dishwasher detergent cases were reported to poison control centers in the United States. Most of these cases were involving toddlers ingesting the powders or pods. Don't eat any pods, friends!! 
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