Can it really be that easy to balance hormones by ditching toxins?  100% yes!!

Here's What You'll Get in the course:

An intro on endocrine disrupting chemicals and what they are, where they're found, and regulations and legislation overseeing these products. We'll also break down exactly how these toxins impact our hormones, because it's not enough to just know they exist.. we gotta know the damage they're doing! Next, we'll dive into nine common EDCs to stay away from and common products they're found in. Finally, we'll end with how to detox our bodies from years or decades of using these toxins and touch on how long it will take to see real changes and healing (hint: it's way sooner than you might think!)

I'm not going to spill all this information on you and leave you struggling to find good quality, hormone-friendly products. I have plenty of videos of my favorite brands scattered througout the course (with some special discounts when you purchase).  

FOUR exclusive bonuses (Brands I Trust That You'll Love, Toxins to Avoid Shopping List and My Favorite App, Parent Companies and Why They're Important, and The Tips and Tricks Guide)

I'll see you inside!

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